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IELTS Course

Course Description

The objectives of the IELTS course is to provide students with adequate knowledge and practical skills needed to prepare and succeed in the IELTS Academic Test. The course and the test are each composed of four main skill areas: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. This aims at preparing students to confidently take the IELTS Academic Test.

Learning Outcomes

In this course, you will:

[icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_book” icon_type=”transparent” icon_size=”20″ icon_color=”#b3a281″ title=”Learn about the IELTS test procedure and format.” title_color=”#222222″][icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_book” icon_type=”transparent” icon_size=”20″ icon_color=”#b3a281″ title=”cquire knowledge about useful test-taking strategies and skills for the IELTS Academic Tests.” title_color=”#222222″][icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_book” icon_type=”transparent” icon_size=”20″ icon_color=”#b3a281″ title=”Practice by completing IELTS-style practice tests in reading, listening, speaking and writing, in other to develop skills and strategies to succeed in the test.” title_color=”#222222″][icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_book” icon_type=”transparent” icon_size=”20″ icon_color=”#b3a281″ title=”As well as develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking English skills.” title_color=”#222222″]

IELTS Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the IELTS course student will have acquired the following skills and competencies.


Identify the different types of questions asked in IELTS tests. Project the main ideas from titles and visual aids. Use a quick read through and scanning to recognize substances and details. Identify and summarize the main ideas in various types of information. Deduce the meaning of unknown words from the context. Recognize a writer’s perspective or claims and their implications. Answer the different types of questions found in IELTS reading tests. Complete a reading test in the allotted time.


Assess IELTS questions and respond appropriately. Coherently organize and present information. Use suitable language and vocabulary for specific assignments. Use a variety of sentence models with grammatical precision. Summarize the main ideas of various types of texts. Develop an argument and back it up in a structured essay. Identify implications and propose solutions. Edit written work. Complete the test tasks within the required time limits.


Recognize the different sections and requirements of the IELTS speaking test. Introduction of self and converse confidently carry out a conversation on a topic, for example, family, hobbies, or work. Make a personal based speech. Give an opinion and justify it. Speculate about general topics. Fluently answer questions with clear pronunciation. Use appropriate stress, intonation and speed patterns in their conversation. Use the appropriate vocabulary and grammar to express their ideas. Complete a speaking test within the allotted time.


Recognize the presentation and question patterns in an IELTS listening test. Use a variety of skills to respond appropriately to IELTS listening test questions. Identify the main ideas of an aural text. Identify precise information and roles of speakers. Identify numbers, dates, time, letters, etc. correctly. Understand the consequences of information provided in aural texts. Accurately convey information gathered from listening to written answers within the set time frame.